type the word. get the score.

ver 1 notes:
- added screen fading, no more sudden changes on game reset/after the tutorial!

barring any major issues... i think this is the end to the project for now. thanks to everyone who gave me feedback! i have no plans to add anymore features, though maybe i might some day come back to update the word list

ver 0.6 notes:
- life is too short to fiddle around with volume sliders, simply turn off music or sound effects with buttons
- settings and music properly persist after resets now
- no more sharp guitar sounds for wrong keys, get bonked instead
- changed pitch change thresholds
- trying new font
- no more john, jack, or terry. no names.

ver 0.51 notes:
surely this is the last patch before 1.0...
- fixed game unable to reset a second time bug
- added bgm and se volume sliders

- find a better font
- make a less jarring incorrect letter sound effect
- make a proper sound volume menu
- readjust pitch change thresholds
- make bgm continue after reset

ver 0.5 notes:
this might be the last patch before i can call it 1.0!
- no more henry, martin, or peter. no names.
- i didnt just add music... i added adaptive music!
- updated sound effects
- made score font consistent
- tutorial changed from "ready set qwertyuiop" to "ready set go". lowkey sad about this but it was just too annoying to type

- add bgm on/off toggle

known issues:
- game breaks after second reset. whoops!

NOTE: the timer system has been adjusted, you'll find that your score will be a little higher compared to previous builds

ver 0.4 notes:
- sound added for wrong letters
- sound added for finished words
- highscore implemented

project is coming to a close because i dont want to spend too much time on this one but...
known issues:
- no music :'(
- no game over sound effect
- i think some american spelling is still in the word list

ver 0.3 notes:
- theres a tutorial! now you can stare at the screen as long as you like before realising what you have to do
- changed colour of word to type
- changed font
- adjusted text positions
- made game window 1.5x bigger

- sound effects
- music is a hard *maybe*
- highscores
- think of a name

ver 0.2 notes:
- american english? british english? we dont do that here
- a bunch of other weird words were also removed
- more responsive, your keys should not be unregistered anymore
- next word preview, game is now more flowy
- press space again to retry, idk why i didnt do this earlier

- save and display highscore
- sound effects
- music? maybe?

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
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